Author Interview Questions and Submission Process

Calling All Authors!

Human In Recovery is a personal blog centered around the process of healing and recovery. Whether it is from substance use/abuse, compulsive behaviors, hurts, hang-ups, habits, physical health issues, mental/emotional health issues, or anything else that a person may need healing and recovery from, the processes people go through and the methods they use for growth and healing are the focus. The questions found here come from this perspective.

If you would like to see the way these questions and answers get formatted in the final interview post, you can visit my Author Interviews Page and follow the links to other interviews.

I do very little editing to the answers except for punctuation and some grammar, unless there is explicit authorization to do so. In the case where there may be some redundancy of answers, I may edit and combine questions and answers or omit the redundancies.

Please include any author bio, links, promo codes, excerpts, and cover art you would like to have included as part of the post. All submissions should be sent to, Subject: Author Interview Submission.

All interview submissions will be subject to mutual review and approval. You will be offered a chance to review prior to final publication.

Thank you very much for the honor and opportunity to work with you in this way.



1) What genres and authors do you like and what do you like about them?

2) Have you always been a writer or known you wanted to be an author? When did you realize you had a book to share with the rest of us?

3) What inspires you and influences what and how you write?

4) Is there a particular place or space you go to for inspiration or writing?

5) Is writing your only creative outlet or are there other creative endeavors or interests you pursue or practice?

6) How do you navigate and integrate the various roles and responsibilities in your life?

7) How did the journey of writing and publishing this book grow or change you?

8) How would you describe your life’s journey from a Healing and Recovery perspective?

9) Where did you get your strength and encouragement from when going through the experiences that brought you to where you are today?

10) What do you want readers to take away with them from reading your words?

11) What other projects can we expect to see from you in the future or are already out there?

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