
Free Society

Feeling some kind of way about current events.

Free Society

I dream of leaving society
in search of civilization
for there is little civility
in our demonstration

Our democracy, mythological.
We’re told we can choose.
Two parties, oligarchical.
Heads they win, tails we lose

If I seem a little weary, jaded,
snarky, suspicious, cynical,
wide-eyed innocence faded,
know it’s from issues cyclical.

Those who don’t learn from the past
are doomed to repeat it.
How to learn when the truth can’t last
because victors’ tales supersede it

If truth is necessary for freedom,
is ours truly the land of the free?
Soldiers march, lies precede them.
Everyday we leave behind humanity.

I glean all hope is not gone.
I live with it day by day.
I see this generation
intent on injustice to slay.

lem 02/27/2024

Wednesday Words & Advent 2023 Day 6

Image colored in “Mandala Coloring Book Adults” app in the Google Play Store. Edited in Pic Collage.

The prompts I obtained were read from the book, “Technicians of the Sacred” and the entry was “Coyote & Junco” from the Zuni Indians  

  • Clouds cover the earth 
  • Stand still 
  • All come in 

I read a couple of other poems from The Poetry Foundation website for the group to obtain prompts from:

Here’s what I came up with:

Shared Peace

In this time of unrest and war, 

violence and apathy, 

political posturing, and 

religious zealotry 

comes the time of year 

0f unrealized peace and goodwill. 

Will the combatants stand still? 

Will the walls fall, 

allowing all to come in? 

Or will the clouds of conflict 

continue to cover the earth? 

What can I say or do  

in response to  

the tears of sorrow, 

the cries of grief 

mourning ones wail? 

What have I to offer 

of hope,  

of faith, 

of love, 

of peace? 

It’s trite to say 

I have inner peace, 

have some of mine 

o those bombarded 

and bombed by 

Hatred and Ignorance, 

Greed and Power. 

It’s trite, 

but it’s true 

I have walked through  

personal wars and trauma. 

None the like of those  

seeking refuge and safety 

across the world 

but I sought refuge and safety 

when all felt lost, 

when I felt defeated. 

Eventually I found it In others  

willing, able to share  

what they had to offer, 

what they had experienced 

in their own lives and journeys. 

I can’t bring peace and safety  

to those around the world 

but I can share what I have 

with those who enter my world 

and those who I encounter  

in the world around me. 

I can share love, hope, and healing 

as they have been shared with me. 

lem 12/05/2023

What’s next? Advent & Wednesday Words

I’ve enjoyed the challenge of posting almost daily in November. I’m proud of what I accomplished and what I wrote. I want to build on the momentum. That being said, I’m feeling a bit burned out…not just from blogging but from life lifing as it does for me (and most of us, I suspect).

So, I’m going to commit to a weekly post. If I can post more often, I will. I’m thinking that Wednesdays would be good since I write on Tuesday nights with my 2 Busy 2 Write group.

Wednesday Words. I’ll share the prompts I gather and what I wound up writing about. I’ll try to keep track of the material and authors the prompts are taken from. Then maybe some of you can join me in the process and have som fun with it.

How does that sound?

I think, this year I’m going to do an Advent calendar here. So, each day leading up to Christmas, I’ll share something small to help me focus on positive things.

Image colored in “Mandala Coloring Book Adults” app in the Google Play Store. Edited in Pic Collage.

Nanopoblano 2023 Day 25: Reedsy Prompt – Daughter of Smoke

A writing acquaintance of mine sent me an FB invitation to Reedsy Prompts, which has creative writing prompts and does writing contests based on some of the prompts. I’m not a contest writer, but I do need prompts. Especially the next few days to finish out this month of blog challenges.

Here’s my effort for this prompt.

Daughter of Smoke

Silvery blue hair

Deep grey eyes piercing your soul

Lips an ember red

Sinuous movements

Draped in a mesh, soot black dress

She glides through the room

Mingling in the dark

Now you see her, now you don’t

You breathe in her scent

A hint of apple

Wood smoke burning in a fire

All she left behind

lem 11/25/2023

Nanopoblano 2023 Day 22: True Love, a poem

I’ve mentioned before that on Tuesday nights, I participate in an online, open to the public, zoom co-writing group. The host, Clive Matson (author of Let the Crazy Child Write!)*, calls it 2 Busy 2 Write. We gather, read poems as prompts, and then write for an hour. After the hour is over, we come back together and talk about how the writing went. Those who feel comfortable can share what they wrote and the others get to talk about what they liked about what the writer shared.

There’s a process he offers for people to get connected to their creative subconscious and quiet the inner critic. I told him I was doing this blog and that I hadn’t shared the details of his process and he gave me full permission to share.

It’s a four-step process.

  1. Write down words or phrases that capture your attention from the prompts being read
  2. Once you’ve collected 8, 10, 12, or however many, you write a sentence for each one. The sentences are independent of each other.
  3. Select the sentence that has the biggest “buzz” for you.
  4. Decide if it’s the topic, beginning, end, or somewhere in the middle of what you’re going to write.

This is the recommended process. However, there is no wrong way to do the writing prompts. The point is to write.

Last night I collected quite a few prompts and got a decent poem out of it. Here are the prompts I got from the poems that were read: Slender, Jade, Coral, Celestial, Flowers, Valley, Cryptic, Promised heart, Love what it loves, Clear pebbles of the rain, Harsh and exciting, Glimmered, Light of the fire, Songs of disappointment and love, Dismayed by the fire’s ferocity, Black tulips in my heart, Embraced wandering and hunger, Canvas of lightning, Sing for joy, Wine and rainbows, Convex shields, Rapacious 

Here’s what I came up with:

True Love

How can true love be rapacious

aggressive, greedy, and grasping

How can true love leave its object

Dismayed, weeping, and gasping

Truly passionate love burns brightly

Warm, glimmering, and exciting

Singing of wine and rainbows

Loving what it loves, not slighting

The first sings of disappointment,

Wandering, harshness, and hunger

The second sings for joy

Leaving one feeling younger

The heart is a convex canvas

Cupping the ferocious dark

Or releasing the light

Of true love’s mark

Passion’s fire wanes

To glowing embers

A soft, steady light

The promised heart remembers

lem 11/21/2023

* I am not an Amazon affiliate and will not receive any benefit from clicking the link and completing a purchase. The link is just to show what the book is and where it can be purchased online.

Nanopoblano 2023 Day 16: Dressed for Autumn

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

On Tuesday nights, I participate in a writing workshop hosted by Beat-era poet, Clive Matson. It’s called 2 Busy 2 Write. It’s supposed to start at 7 but it often takes us until 7:15-7:20 to get going. Someone reads something for the writers to derive prompts from, usually poetry. Sometimes it’s prose. It’s often thoughtful and reflective of current events. Other times, it’s rooted more in the natural or spiritual worlds. This past Tuesday someone read an excerpt from a book. The excerpt centered around one person’s childhood experience of their family’s traumatic Christmas one year. I selected a couple of poems from Poetry Foundation. Both of them were seasonal poems:

I wasn’t particularly inspired so I wrote about what I wore to work that day.

I needed three outfits today 

I woke up freezing 

The frigid air had numbed my hand 

It was stiff and swollen  

with the loss of circulation 

My first ‘fit had to be warm  

To combat the chill in my body 

And that of the brisk air  

in which I walked  

the short few blocks  

to where I earn my keep 

Bundled in my new green winter coat 

the color of spring leaves 

I decided against the hat and scarf 

Surely it wouldn’t be THAT cold 

Hands snug in new gloves 

Fingers clothed in a soft black void 

Knee high boots, wide around the calves 

Black leather with faux buckles 

That jingled with every step 

Reminiscent of glamorized pirates 

Plundering the seas 

My fingers stayed frozen 

I still felt the chill of the air 

Throughout the walk 

I should have worn the scarf  

Or at least the knit cap 

More aqua than green 

At work I traded my heavy 

Double breasted coat 

For my oversized  

Ankle length sweater 

A midnight black 

just a shade lighter than  

the void my hands had worn 

As the day wore on 

The chill wore off  

The temperature grew comfortable 

The sweater was hung 

Over the overcoat  

The lightweight pullover sweater 

Medium grey with faded black  

Flowers and leaves 

Was soft and cozy 

The long, skirt,  

as dark as my boots 

Swished and swayed 

With every step I took 

Smoothly and gently 

Brushing against my thighs 

As I moved through the 

Open office spaces 

In the midafternoon 

Without warning  

It felt as if the heat kicked on 

Suddenly I felt overly warm 

With my skin itching 

Under the soft layers 

Wishing I had on sandals 

And not the thick socks 

Cushioning my feet  

inside the boots 

I wondered why I didn’t have 

An elastic to lift my hair 

Off the back of my neck 

Stepping back outside, 

once the workday was over, 

the sky was grey and overcast. 

I was grateful 

for the overcoat 

and that I had dressed for the chill. 

lem 11/14/2023

Nanopoblano Day 13: Harmony, Cacophony, Change

In my Nanopoblano Day 1 post I said one of the things I’m doing this season is working with a program called Community Profile through a local theater company, Profile Theatre. The program gathers people together who have a specific thing in common which relates to the theater season’s themes. This season is focused on emerging Americans and first generation Americans. I fall into that category since my father immigrated from Mexico close to 60 years ago. More about that another time.

The program brings in professional writers: published authors, screenwriters, playwrights, poets, essayists, etc. to teach and guide the cohort members in writing their stories, whatever they may be. It’s like a miniseries of two or three hour Masterclasses. Each teaching writer takes turns with 1 – 4 sessions a month for several months.

In October we had the privilege of working with Radhika Sharma. This past Saturday we got to work with Lisa Sanaye Dring. In December we get to work with Adrienne Dawes. January we’ll work with Zachariah Ezer.

The work we got to do with Lisa on Saturday was amazing. Ten of us met with her, in person. We shared our experiences, wrote to a few prompts, shared our writing or what it was like to write, and Lisa took us through a guided meditation.

The final prompt of the day was to write something with a beginning, middle, and end that addressed questions of harmony, cacophony, and change. Here’s what I came up with:


How do we live out
The meaning of harmony
Being together

How do we walk in
Amidst the cacophony
Staying connected

How do we become
The change needed in this world

lem 11/11/2023

Nanopoblano 2023 Day 10: Family, a poem

Photo by Askar Abayev on Pexels.com


Born to them or found
People who care about us
Gift us love profound
These loved ones are family
Branches of the tree abound

Those who harm and wound
Are positioned on the tree
Should they all be pruned
Cut them off to thrive and grow
Replanted, they are not doomed

Graft on, join the new
Mingle, strengthen, and grow lush
Heal and grow, brand new
Tender care for the new shoots
This profound love will break through

lem 04/08/2023

Nanopoblano 2023 Day 9: From the archives – My story in verse

Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com

I signed up for this blog challenge before I knew for sure I would be going back to work full-time this month. So, I’m scrambling (just a little) to keep up. I’ve completed blog challenges when I’ve had nothing much to do other than write. However, I have several failed challenges under my belt with over 120 drafts that I started over the years to prove it. I’m determined to complete this challenge because I owe it to myself to follow through on the one commitment that I made at the end of 2022: To focus on my writing and build my craft. Therefore, I have decided that this month is about the consistency of posting, even if I’m not able to write the way I really want to. To that end, I’m reviewing the drafts and pulling some of my previously unposted work. This poem was written in 2018.

My Life in Verse

Lying here crying over you,
As I promised I wouldn’t do.
Forgetting to my own self be true.
Reacting like a kid without a clue.

I’m too old to be doing this;
telling myself, you I would not miss.
Forgetting as I remember your kiss.
Reminded by your ghost dis.

When will these voices cease?
How do I gain release?
My mind, I need to quiesce.
My soul is seeking deep peace.

You’re not what this is truly about.
You’ve triggered all my fear and doubt.
You’ve broken my resolve so stout.
I just want to scream and shout.

In my infancy it all began
when I thought my father so quicky ran.
Teaching me not to depend on a man.
Relationship was not part of my plan.

Then, a kiss, unbidden.
A “love” to keep hidden.
Right by wrong overridden.
In society ’twas forbidden.

Rejection turned to twisted revenge.
My mom sought avidly to avenge.
Her sanity began to unhinge,
darkening her spirit more than a tinge.

Understanding nothing at my age.
Inner pain turned to outward rage.
Her brokeness I could not gauge.
Her torment she sought to assuage

Burdened by her own embattled past;
that agony, that pain could not last.
A deep darkness so wide and vast,
Unburdended with a final blast.

All this before I was a teen,
shaped into a spirit so mean.
Attempting to affect a stoic mien
inevitably set the scene:

A life repeatedly caught in love’s mirage,
built entirely through self-sabotage.
I see each one lost in a montage.
Unsure if I can withstand the barrage.

Full circle…I’m back to you.
Missing what you say and do.
I fell, despite what we both knew.
My heart, stolen, lost to your coup.

lem 04/09/2018

Nanopoblano 2023 Day 8: Liberation of Love

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

There is nothing new under the sun
Today I believe that is true
Horrors and abuses of power
In the name of God and religion
Married to the political powers
Of the world at large when
The god most worshipped
Is the god of capitalism,

I can’t even escape the role I play
Supporting the unsupportable
The privilege to choose the expense
Of fair trade belongs to
Those who profit from the labor
Of others seemingly lower
than themselves.

In reality, I could forgo
The shoes at 50% off
The already low price
Bezos has decreed through
Practices of devouring
Those smaller than the
Amazon of commerce.

In reality, I’m just as caught up
Trying to catch up
Trying to make up
Trying to move past
And get beyond
The trauma of poverty
And the trauma of trauma
That has so affected me
And the future generations
I begat.

I’m a good person
Doing good things
But also choosing
Things that my heart
Because my faith
Wonders if I am
Truly living the Way of Life
Following the Christ
The Jesus I apprenticed
Myself to, joining in
Co-suffering love

I know that I know
That my faith is real
That my higher power
But I question whether
That power exists
In the text
In my words
In my thoughts
In my heart
In my actions
In my choices
In the way I walk

There is nothing new under the sun
Love, abundance, and joy
Sometimes seem obscene
In the face of oppression
War and colonization

And yet

What is there to fight for
What is there to live for
If not for the liberation of love
Making space for abundant joy

lem 11/07/2023