Reedsy Prompts

Nanopoblano 2023 Day 25: Reedsy Prompt – Daughter of Smoke

A writing acquaintance of mine sent me an FB invitation to Reedsy Prompts, which has creative writing prompts and does writing contests based on some of the prompts. I’m not a contest writer, but I do need prompts. Especially the next few days to finish out this month of blog challenges.

Here’s my effort for this prompt.

Daughter of Smoke

Silvery blue hair

Deep grey eyes piercing your soul

Lips an ember red

Sinuous movements

Draped in a mesh, soot black dress

She glides through the room

Mingling in the dark

Now you see her, now you don’t

You breathe in her scent

A hint of apple

Wood smoke burning in a fire

All she left behind

lem 11/25/2023